Thursday 24 April 2008

Project Two Progress

Ive now decided im scrapping the whole toolbox idea, because to be honest it just wasn't working for me. My new and final idea i finds works better for me.

My finalised object will be a book, placed on a table on its own, the meaning behind this is that all my life, a lot of people have refered to me as the 'bookworm', i feel that the book portrays an important part of my personality, during my childhood i used to read books such as Enid Blyton's and Jaquline Wilson's and just get lost in the book. I have placed the book on a table as if its one thing i have noticed about myself, although i dont do it meaningfull, i have a tendency to distance myself away from people, although i am capable of working as part of a team efficently, i like to sometimes just be left to my own thought. So basically the book is me and the chaperters inside are about me.

How will it will work?

I have started the 3D work already. In 3DS Max i have created my table with my book placed on top of the table, the camera i away from the table and book so it is all in full view, then it zooms into the table and the book becomes the main focus, the book cover then opens and reveals the front chapters page. What i have yet to do is animate the pages opening, i think i am going todo this in flash as i would much rather have a simple movie clip which i will feel at ease editing.

On the chapters page will be the different chapters to each of my different objects, the links will be rollovers and when you click on one of the links a page will turn, displaying the object that has been clicked on.


1 Comment:

  1. Jools said...
    like this. how's it going or How about a posting about the final result?

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