Saturday, 27 October 2007
Before starting at uni i previously studied Multimedia at West Nottinghamshire College in Mansfield. I completed a two year National Diploma in Multimedia. During this course of time (similar to Sarah's answer in our lecture last week) i had a very big problem with time keeping, always assuming that i had more time to complete my project work but the time always flies by and i found that when i came closer to the projects deadline i would have a pile full of work that still needed completing. So what i did to help myself with this was at the beginning of starting my FMP i wrote myself a checklist out and set myself date targets for when each section of the project would have to be completed by. This worked for me and i found that i wasn't panicking as much when it came close to the deadline because i had things completed and with having a checklist i found that i knew exactly where i was with my project work.
Thankfully my timekeeping didn't effect my grades as i would always get the work completed in time it just meant a few late nights and i finished my course with DDD which was good.
Through my time at Uni though i think what i struggled most with was the fact that i had to get in front of the camera, and seeing as me and cameras are not very friendly with each other, i was very nervous and scared, whilst i was studying at college i had to do a few presentations which had to be filmed, i was that scared i was shaking but i know that i've some how got to get used to it so instead of panicking when we were producing the images for the animation i jumped straight into the job at hand, i got in front of the camera and instead of worrying i just did it. I was really proud of myself and felt more at ease with the camera i was also really pleased with the outcome of the animation.