Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Planning for our One - Shot Film

Yesterday my group (Me, Hayley, Cliff and Tom) met up whilst we had free time and discussed our project for thursday, we bounced around ideas about what could happen in our short movie, we discussed the main issues of which we had to think about such as, the story, the location, the style of the movie. The situation and the dialogue design. The composition such as the framing and positioning of the objects. as well as the lighting.

The ideas that were bounced around:


Outside in town, in the Market Square -
  • Busy

  • Person standing out from the crowd

  • Natural Light

Indoors -

  • Claustrophobic

  • Camera - Close up - Dark Lighting

The Park -

  • Quiet

  • Empty

  • Lonliness

After discussing these we all decided that it would be more interesting to use a dark, indoor location as we could experiment in an effective way with the camera angles and the placeing of the area.


  • Dark - Lonely atmosphere

  • Indoor - Studio?


  • Talking? mumbled or clear voices?

  • No Talking? Cue Cards? (could be shown by the character in the movie to express their words)

Dialogue Ideas:

Relationship Break-up: An obvious relatioship break-up, Maybe the character could be holding a photograph of their ex-partner, cries etc. (Although this was my idea i think that it could be too cliche and used quite a lot, also i dont think that it could really lead to an interesting ending, i think that this would make the movie not very entertaining to watch).

Friends Gathering: One person will be the main character in the movie, with a range of people stood behind the character (these will be the friends). The lighting will be focused on the main character as he is the main focal point of the movie. Gradually the friends dissapear into the darkness once the friend has finished talking about the particular friend and describing why this person has deserted him . (We all agreed that this would be the most strongest idea for our movie).

As we had agreed that the second idea was the most strongest, we decided to meet up on Thursday at 12.30 after all coming up with our own dialogue ideas, then we will put the best ideas together to form the movies final dialogue.

My Ideas:

I have mainly been thinking about the lighting within the movie, i think that a main spotlight should be directed onto the main character, with dimmed lights on the friends, once the main character stops talking about one friend, this friend walks into the darkness and the dimmed light turns off once the friend has dissapeard. I think that this would add an intence feel to the movie making it more watchable for viewers.

Whilst in tutorial on Tusday afternoon, one of the students Jay, did an interesting book synopsis on media production, and as the book was passed round the room, i noticed that it had a section on framing and the positioning of characters in a frame. I thought that this would help as we need to consider the framing and the composition as to not leave any negative space around the area.


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