Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Screaming Light and Colour

After days of racking my brains for a scenery for my photograph which would portray both light and colour, screaming it infact. I was sat in Mansfield bus station on my way to Uni Tuesday morning waiting for my bus and i happened to notice how bright the busses were, the colour of them, i already happen to think that orange is one of the most vibrant and noticable colours. I also noticed that light from the daylight sky (obviously) was shining down on the buses and also that the buses had their lights on. So i decided to take a photograph of this scene as i think that it portrays bright and vibrant colour which are in your face making them scream out at you and that the light shining down on the buses works. There is also a wide renge of different colours such as yellow which is a bright colour and purple in the back.


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