Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Second Life

In my second life i am called Leoni Rhiano. I chose the first name, one because it is one of my nicknames and two because i really like the name. and Rhiano is one of the standard names that you have to choose from the list provided.

In my second life, i want to be a singer/dancer and model. Main reasons is that all of these subjects interest me but i know that in real life i wouldn't have the kind of confidence needed for the jobs.

This is a snapshot of my character sitting on a throne which is placed near the place where you go to configure your appearance. She is wearing the standard clothes that come on the character aside from that i have changed the colour of her t-shirt to black. I also changed the shape of her body, her nose, neck, how her eyes look, her lips, arms, legs, bottom and feet. I have given her long brown hair as brown is my favourite colour for hair. I have also tried to make it look quite stylish by giving her a side parting and a fringe. Although she doesn't have the appearance for any of the occupations i have listed above just yet but that would take time as i need to other things, such as buy clothes.

Whilst on second life i spoke to a few people, asking them questions on how to buy clothes and one nice lass gave me a whole wardrobe full :) how nice. but the downside to this is that i cant yet show how my character looks because i got kicked off, for some reason it said that an administrator had logged me off. so ill describe in words, she's now wearing a black dress with black boots, which is a bit better than the standard clothes she was wearing but still not how i want her to look, so I've still got to do a bit of shopping around! and find out how to make some money


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