Monday 10 November 2008

Final Banner Evaluation.

Fireworks Banner

For my banner i wanted my key audience to be of a wide variety of people, i wanted it to target everybody, because everybody whether in a family or not, uses fireworks and need to be aware of the safety issues.

The message that i wanted to get across was that there are a lot of safety precautions to make before, during and after using fireworks.

I decided to produce a quiz for my final design, merging 2 of my design ideas together (design idea 2 and design idea 5). When on Facebook i noticed that a lot of people take the quizzes, someimes more than 500 people take one quiz, so i thought that this would be a good idea for my final design as it would appeal to a large variety of people. I also stuck with the quiz idea as i knew i had the skills to produce it in Flash.

I have spoken about my different design ideas here. I have also discussed how the interaction for the designs will work here.

The main interation for the users with my final idea is obviously answering the questions, the user clicks on the answer they think is right and the Flash code works out how many questions are right and displays their score on the final screen. I think that the interaction would increase the ability to communicate the intended question as like myself when i do a quiz, i like to get the answers right and stick at it until i do get it right.

The quiz its self succeeded, the user is able to click on an answer and the program will calculate how many questions the user has got right and wrong. Unfortunatley i had a few problems with the last two questions when the user goes to click on the first two questions, the hand curser appears, but when going to click on the third question the text curser appeared and the arrow curser appeared on the last question. I couldnt figure out why this was happening, i tried deleting the answers and creating new movie clips for them but this still didn't work, I also found that the font changed too, although it was the same in Flash.

I would have liked to include end screens, saying 'well done' with fireworks going off and a 'you'll have to try harder screen, but i just couldnt figure out how to do this in the space of time i had to do it in.

I was quite pleased with the begining animation with the fireworks going off and the information scrolling up the screen, although i thought that this should have been slower or i maybe should have faded the answers in and out of the screen in turn because when i tried to read the information, i found i had to read really fast.

I would have like to produce my 4th design idea but i knew i would have no work to produce in the end because i knew i wouldn't be able to do it.


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