Tuesday, 5 February 2008
My analysis of 'Being Connected' :
Being connected as i see it (hyperthetically speaking) is like being in the middle of a crowd, with lots of people around you who are in the same position as you, whether it be business ideas etc.. and your all connected together in some way, i think it is a bit like networking, the more connections (interstitial nodes) you have the easier it is to get your ideas noticed.
'Cultural codes rather than individual voices'
This quote is basically saying, modern (cultural codes) rather than post modern (individual voices). I believe that the cultural codes option is easy, everything is in order, everything has a place and nothing is too out of the ordinary making it hard for an individual's mind to make sense of the order, because everything they already know just comes to them. Whereas individuals included within the individual voices region (post moderism) i believe holds a more creative personality, not being afraid to step out of the box and experimenting as to create new and logical ideas. It not always interesting as you would in a way say to follow a straight and narrow path, looking deeper and in a more creative way can work to be very effective.
The idea in which i found to be most interesting was by 'Armin Medosch' :
According to Armin Medosch, in an interconnected environment, individuality or expression are neither important. What's important are the new forms of sharing, spreading and planning the digital work. With collective actions this cultural domain progresses in its entirety, because sharing and collaborating mean learning from each other.
I completely agree with the last section, 'sharing and collaborating mean learing from each other' because whether we realise it or not we are all inspired by one thing or another, which then inspires us to go on and create something which incorporates these ideas or concepts and include our own ideas and concepts, Combining the two creates a whole new idea. I dont exactly agree with the first section of the phrase though 'individuality or expression are neither important' as i think these two elements make an object/item unique which make the prospects of the object/item in question higher.
I personally like the idea of combining the two points together, modernism and post modernism, keeping some sort of order but im not so keen on the 'having a fit way and not seeing the outside of that idea', i think that combining the idea of having the order (making things more problematic and managable) and include a bit of outragious ideas in there, just as an experimentation and see the result.