Friday, 22 February 2008

Jewelry Box

Here are my designs for the jewelry box i want to be creating in 3D Studio Max.

The jewelry box will have 3 drawers at the front and 4 compartments at the top, this will make 7 compartments all together. As you will see in the drawing below i would like to instead of putting a mirror on the inside of the lid for the jewelry box i thought of maybe having a sort of DVD player which will play my one-shot movie with your normal buttons, play, stop and pause, so that the user can interact with the element themselves.

Also as i have stated in the drawing i will not be including objects in all of the different compartments, they will be placed in different boxes and the user would have to search for the objects by clicking on the drawers, lid and objects.

I am thinking of using a oak wood texture for the box, to portray a strong willed and dtetermined character as oak wood is strong.


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